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      April 14, 2012Richard Vargas10/6/02 – Job Interview

      it’s been 4 yrs since my last one
      so my gut was queasy
      as i sat there in the lobby
      wearing my navy blue blazer
      trying to look serious and
      job worthy
      when this baby face
      showed up
      introduced himself
      shook my hand
      took me to a room
      where a young woman
      joined us and i was thinking
      both of them are old
      enough to be my kids
      if i had any

      since i was being interviewed
      by the mickey mouse club
      and i had more work
      experience than the two
      of them put together
      any semblance of being
      nervous went out the window
      my answers were well
      thought out as i took
      their questions like fastballs
      which i easily hit out of
      the ballpark

      then the girl, er, woman
      asked me which would
      i rather be: a hummingbird
      or a woodpecker?
      we all laughed but then i
      realized they actually wanted
      an answer and i was thinking
      what’s next? would i rather
      be a dung beetle or a wart
      on a fat guy’s butt? a piece
      of cheese or a brand new
      penthouse magazine in a
      men’s prison?
      i began to think of all
      the possibilities when
      baby face cleared his throat
      letting me know they were
      waiting for my answer

      my first thought was i’d rather
      peck than hum and since
      i too have a pecker and
      frequent woodies one could
      say my choice should be obvious

      but i knew that wasn’t what
      they wanted to hear
      they had pens in hand
      ready to write down
      my answer
      and all i could think about
      was getting the
      hell outta there alive

      and how good a
      cold beer would taste
      right about then

      from #25 - Summer 2006