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      December 17, 2017Paul E. Nelson698. Evidence-Based Poem

      for Daniel Smith, Hillsboro, MO, 12.16.17, Daniel—

      Forget, if you can,
      the seizure of air, space, heart.
      —Daphne Marlatt

      This is a vulnerable poem
      (as are all poems
      all sentient beings) a poem
      calling out entitlement
      celebrating diversity
      a transgender poem you
      could read to a fetus.
      An evidence-based poem
      while at the same time
      a science-based poem
      honoring all the moorings
      one anchors to at the calm
      at the center of delusion.


      from Poets Respond

      Paul E. Nelson

      “In response to new CDC language restrictions announced by the current administration. It was written as part of the perennial postcard project, an off-shoot from the August Poetry Postcard Project. The postcard image is an original, taken by the author.”
