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      February 4, 2016A Bowl of FruitStephen Dunn

      For me, the pleasure of poetry
      is taking it apart.
      —Jeanne-Andree Nelson

      Jeanne, I have spent days arranging
      this bowl of fruit, all for you,
      knowing how much you love fruit
      (not to eat, of course, but to examine),
      and I’ve been careful to make sure
      the bananas are the shape of bananas,
      that the oranges rhyme with oranges,
      and for your pleasure I’ve included
      a lone pear, which may signify
      something to you I haven’t intended,
      which is my intention.
      No doubt you’ve begun to question
      why the quince and the apple
      are so close together, and (knowing you)
      if there might be a worm
      in the apple, whether this gift
      is a gift at all. And perhaps it’s true
      that I’ve covered up the worm hole
      with putty, painted over it perfectly,
      though this would be a mystery
      that only can be solved
      by cutting open or biting into,
      letting the juices run down the sides
      of your mouth, or onto your hands.
      It would be the kind of bold probing
      I would love for you to love, the final
      messiness of theory, still-life breaking open
      into life, the discovery that the secret worm,
      if real, will not permit you any distance.
      But surely by now you’ve come to realize
      there is no worm, only this bowl of fruit
      made out of words, only these seductions.

      from #17 - Summer 2002