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      January 28, 2020A Conversation in Which We Seek to Baffle the OverlordsDevon Balwit

      The air is full of sighs today. Indeed,
      the streets wail from tight canyons. And what
      of the clouds of black-clad gnats? We need
      face-nets to stop inhaling them, shutting
      the windows does little good. Hazards abound.
      Yesterday, a neighbor tripped on a rock in the road
      and bloodied herself. Be sure to check the ground
      about you. A truck may have lost its load.
      Have you been eating well? We find ourselves
      experimenting with stone soup, casseroles
      from skimmed shelves. Yes, the art of halves
      and have nots, no bouillon in the bowl.
      Well. Good to see you. Say hello
      to our friends and wish them a finer tomorrow.

      from Poets Respond

      Devon Balwit

      “’Strangers would be able to listen in on sensitive conversations, take photos of the participants and know personal secrets.’ I guess we’ll have to learn to speak in code as people did to evade Stasi or the NKVD.”