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      March 12, 2020A Dispatch from SeattleSherman Alexie

      or, Nervous in the Hot Zone

      Yes, we’re scared but we also make
            zombie apocalypse jokes
      By texts. I don’t know when I’ll see
            my friends in person again.

      We don’t want to panic and overreact
            but we don’t want
      To underreact. Some of my friends
            are still hosting parties.
      Some of them are still planning
            to take their previously
      Scheduled trips overseas. Some are
            the polite looters
      Who are buying all the toilet paper
            in Seattle.
      “Good for you,” I text to one of them.
            “You’ll be
      The most hygienic and well-stocked
            shitter in the city.”
      Some of my fellow Native Americans
            are performing
      The highly sacred Indigenous shrug,
            as in, “Dude,
      They’re not giving us smallpox
      But, hey, it’s the Trumps. Their
            wicked incompetence
      And delusional arrogance is
            striking us
      With smallpox of the soul.
            I try to listen
      Only to the health experts,
            but the dipshits,
      Conspiracy theorists, partisan
            hacks, trolls,
      And the mentally ill dominate
            the discourse,
      As they always do. How did
            we get to a place
      Where the borderline personalities
            get quoted
      As if they were experts by borderline
      Who also act as if they’re experts,
            as well?
      Maybe the true pandemic is
      Maybe the true pandemic is
            the loss
      Of a shared and common
      But, hell, that’s big talk
            for someone
      Like me, who just angrily,
      And paranoidly bought
            $500 worth
      Of canned food. And yet,
            I also know
      That people are good. I know
            that most of us
      Will reflexively switch
            into kindness
      Mode. That’s what humans,
            at their best,
      Have almost always done.
            In the meantime,
      Here I am, re-binging on Parks
            and Recreation
      As I serve myself another bowl
            of lactose-free
      Ice cream and rhyme my way
            through self-quarantine.

      from Poets Respond

      Sherman Alexie

      “I live in Seattle so coronavirus, coronavirus, coronavirus.”