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      September 5, 2021Jennifer ReeserA Homeless Traveling Statesman

      You near and wave the wan evacuees
      enough to get them back to Jackson Square
      with bellies full of bagels and cream cheese.
      The sweat-soaked husband can’t return your stare,
      their compact packed to bursting with the most
      his wife and kids were able to finagle
      before the hurricane could hit the coast.
      But gas is choice as gold, and that cheese bagel
      is higher than when you and I were stranded
      in similar surroundings. We just hope
      his damage doesn’t match what we were handed.
      The hardest part is how we watch him mope,
      and pass the bland, non-Cajun styrofoam
      container through her window, heading home.

      from Poets Respond

      Jennifer Reeser

      “Having lived through emergency evacuations, I know that worse than feeling trapped in your circumstances with few ways out, is feeling trapped in your circumstances, with no way out at all. Here is one account of my experience from the outside, looking in.”