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      October 20, 2021A New BapuAmlanjyoti Goswami

      Would take to Twitter like fish to water
      But grow out of it
      And use it as a protest tool.
      Once in a while, he would take breaks with vows of silence.
      He would use the extra time
      To sort out, ends and means
      The broken strings.
      He would be wise to know
      Greed remains greed and power is now
      Like electricity, everywhere,
      From the clerk to the high heavens.
      He would look for a place to start—
      And it would be with himself.
      Cleaning the toilet on a weekday,
      Making plants grow with bare hands.
      Not using a sensor to figure it out.
      He would be wary of AI, robots, anything that takes the mind away.
      They take the soul out, he would say.
      But he would take to planes more easily, for the utility.
      He would still write letters, with a fountain pen
      And send postcards, to children.
      He would recycle paper and look inside, for answers.
      He would be worried about
      Climate change.
      He would pass the street and you wouldn’t even know.
      He would travel incognito.

      from #73 – Fall 2021

      Amlanjyoti Goswami

      “India pervades my experiences and poetry. This is about living, breathing, and thinking deeply about things around me. Where I come from and where I am going. Traditions, histories, ways of seeing, hearing, and knowing. I draw upon rich traditions of Indian aesthetic in my work and am not afraid to cross borders. This is about the neem tree as much as the new Mercedes on the street, busy with street vendors selling you dim sums. There is an aesthetic in all this I wouldn’t find in New York or London. Layers more than strict lines. A lot of colour.”