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      October 27, 2024A Poet’s Response to an Actor’s Assessment of a Politician’s Intelligence …Bob Hicok

      I’m dumber than a Phillips head screwdriver
      or on-ramp or speculum or rain and every diacritical
      you can think of, critically or not, can do something
      I can’t, I believe in the wisdom of matter,
      that every form it takes is a species of intelligence,
      an embodiment of knowledge, so to call
      a candidate for president as dumb as a fencepost
      or as dumb as a combover or as dumb
      as a three-legged stool on the side of the road
      looking as if it wants to cry, is like chiding the ocean
      because it does a shitty Watusi or making fun of a puppy
      who barks at its own hiccups, there’s a video of this,
      probably more than one, and yes it’s kind of stupid
      but that puppy could sniff out cancer or cocaine
      better than you, and wag more fulsomely and literally
      than you, and a fence post does an honest day’s work
      every day of its life if given the chance, so if you must try
      to insult someone running for president,
      it’s better to call them as dumb as someone
      who thinks calling someone dumb is still in style
      after third grade, and what if that person is rubber
      and you are glue, what then, dumbass, are we to make
      of democracy in 2024, if insults are the currency
      of debate, if love isn’t at the core of the endeavor,
      love of our shared stupidity, cupidity, humidity,
      our common state of befuddlement
      over where this is all headed
      and how best to get where we don’t know
      we’re going, we need a president
      who isn’t afraid to shrug, who gets
      that ten people putting ten heads together
      still leaves us with what experts refer to
      as half a brain, please, god, enough
      of the solo swagger, the hero pose,
      I want a president who puts the everyone
      in team, who believes that people
      are our best chance to be human,
      to maybe, possibly, one day
      figure out what that even means.

      from Poets Respond

      Bob Hicok

      “This is a poet’s response to an actor’s assessment of a politician’s intelligence.”