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      March 13, 2022Agnieszka TworekAbel’s Last Words to Cain

      A sparrow from my orchard
      flew by your house
      as you gunned me down
      Brother, why do you sow
      my frozen fields
      with copper and lead?
      What can sprout in spring
      from these bullet seeds?
      In this black soil I grow wheat
      I could bake you such a crusty loaf of bread
      Why do my fruit trees have combat wounds?
      Why do my sheep and cows lay dead?
      Why do women weave the sky’s threads
      and use them as gauze bandages?
      Brother, you could still bring me back
      to life to love to light
      if you don’t bomb the hospital
      where my pregnant wife prays
      that our newborn son’s first cry
      won’t be his last
      Why is the snow falling
      into my mouth
      and why is it red?
      Brother, you could

      from Poets Respond

      Agnieszka Tworek

      “Each day of this senseless war brings new atrocities. There are many innocent civilians dead—men, women, and children who cannot be properly buried. This week the world witnessed in horror the Russian soldiers bombing Ukrainian hospitals, including a maternity and children’s hospital. There are no words …”