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      August 22, 2021Meghan SterlingAfghanistan Is Your Fault

      and also my fault, the way I pretend the world
      isn’t happening, organizing my closet by color, by
      season, touching the soft fabrics instead of reading the news.
      The way I’m back at my window where I watch
      the neighbor’s pride flag’s colors reflect the mood
      of the moment, how it was twisted when the pandemic
      started, how it has been twisted since the pandemic
      continues, but right now it is flattened, faded
      in a late summer light that aches with coming autumn,
      its stripes of many colors pulled taut by the wind
      like a dress set to dry on a line, while the people of Afghanistan
      are rushing the airports, they are swarming the tarmac,
      they are surrounding the airplanes as if they can leap onto a wing
      and be lifted away from what’s happening to their lives,
      the way the women are facing a terror bigger than tears
      or the death of the earth, looking into a hole where the sun
      had just been blooming, wrapping themselves again in their black
      that had gathered dust in the back of their closets, the way their black
      is mourning for the textbooks that will be burned, the way their black
      is mourning for being walled again in their homes, the way their black
      is mourning for the sun as it dims and the earth grows cold
      and all the birds give up their plumage to die beneath the folds
      of their colorless wings.
      Meghan Sterling will meet us this week’s Rattlecast before our main guest, Marcela Sulak. Join in live at 12pm EDT!

      from Poets Respond

      Meghan Sterling

      “What is happening in Afghanistan is horrifying, especially for the women and girls. As a woman, I can’t grasp the terror of what is coming. This poem was my attempt to feel their fear.”