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      May 11, 2020Anja KonigAfter the Election

      some people became erratic.
      A physical
      therapist smashed
      a hot dog stand.
      Teachers tossed
      garbage cans.
      A middle-aged woman
      defied the police,
      not crossing
      the street
      where instructed.
      If she were black
      she could have been shot.
      I am still flossing,
      a possible sign
      of optimism?
      My yoga instructor
      would make
      a good president.
      She knows all the positions:
      thread the needle,
      down dog.

      from #67 - Spring 2020

      Anja Konig

      “Kim is one of my absolute favorite poets. I admire her aggressive clarity, her rhythm—she really is Bukowski in a sundress, with better skin. I compulsively read her poem ‘What Women Want’ aloud to my friends. One runs out of the house to buy a new Addonizio book, even in hardcover.”