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      September 28, 2024Olivia SungAll’s Fair

      The bell rings
      And Love and Hate come in for lunch
      Love orders soup with coffee
      Hate orders salad with whiskey
      I return balancing two plates, a mug, and a shot
      Love reaches for their plate as I move to put it down
      Hate makes no offer to help
      I place down the drinks and turn to walk away
      From behind me I hear Hate’s voice for the first time
      “I ordered wine,” they say
      In one moment I’m dry
      In the next I have whiskey in my eyes
      Love’s eye twitches
      Hate looks proud
      From the neighboring table I hear Sense, Composure, and Judgment go silent
      My eyes blur as they water
      Vaguely I hear Love yelling
      I look up and lock eyes with Hate
      Love not-so-gently pushes Hate forward
      Hate turns away
      “Sorry,” they say
      Love gives me an awkward smile and takes out their card to pay the check
      Their hand is hit away when Hate’s card takes its place instead
      Love and I get whiplash as our necks turn in Hate’s direction
      Hate plays with the ring on their empty hand
      Love and I’s mouths open in identical ‘o’s as I silently take the card
      Hate’s card declines
      Love pays the rest of the bill

      from 2024 RYPA

      Olivia Sung (age 14)

      Why do you like to write poetry?

      “I love the flexibility of being free from grammatical rules. Poetry allows me to manipulate words in the way that I see fit while still granting me the freedom to express myself in a unique way that all other mediums cannot. I also love the beauty in poetry, in that it is able to capture the charm of both the little and large things in life.”