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      December 6, 2015America Listen Allen Ginsberg Is Calling You AgainLynne Knight

      Including the worst mass shooting of the year, which unfolded horrifically on Wednesday in San Bernadino, Calif., a total of 462 people have died and 1,314 have been wounded in such attacks this year, many of which occurred on streets or in public settings, the databases indicate.
      —New York Times, December 3, 2015

      America you are sick. The worm of corruption
      eats at your heart & slaughters your children
      in schoolrooms, in churches, in community centers.
      America you have lost your way. America there are more
      mass killings than there have been days in this year.
      America your sons & daughters live in fear ginned up
      by corrupt greedy media & shameless politicians.
      Fear of the other, the other. America we are all other,
      & we are sick, & the no longer invisible worm
      eats at our hearts. Our malls have become killing fields
      America. Our colleges our cities and their buildings.
      America where are you? America listen the fall
      is here & we are plummeting headlong down.
      America why can’t you hear. Are you deafened
      by the roar of assault rifles America? America
      no one wants to take your small guns only the big guns
      the magazines that keep firing firing firing. America
      give them up. Throw them in a pile & burn them America
      so you can pull your soul back from ruin & wreckage.
      America people with assault guns kill people. They kill
      more & more people America. Yes they might try to kill
      with small guns with knives with ropes but there would be
      no mass killings with ropes or knives or small guns because
      the killers would have to keep reloading & reloading
      giving their hostages time to escape. America
      you are sick & the worm at your heart is spinning
      across continents & over oceans. America do something
      before it’s too late. Do something while we can still say
      your name America. We know who you were supposed
      to be. So stand up America. Throw down your assault guns
      your automatics & walk into the beauty of the sunset the heart
      of the rose. America listen to me let the worms wither & die.
      America stop cowering in the shadow of the NRA & listen.
      This is your heart America. Beating & beating. Your heart
      that can bear only so much reality especially if it comes
      in the form of rapid bullets only you can stop. America
      put your queer transgender gay straight no-gender shoulder
      to the wheel & listen America listen before it’s too late.

      from Poets Respond

      Lynne Knight

      “On the one hand, imitating Ginsberg even a little seems an act of appalling hubris. On the other, while I watched the terrible news from San Bernadino, I really could hear his iconic ‘America’ calling out to us to stop the madness that allows these mass killings to continue.”