October 28, 2008An Act of Procreation
what beatings we have taken—
gavewhat we have endures:
poverty, hunger, sickness,
spinal taps,
stripped of privacy,
dignitymy rage
your vengeance
our dissemblingthe gods against us
the void’s wide swallow
beneath usthe weight we lost to it
the nerves, stomach, and teeth
we lost to itthe you and me we lost to it
and i did unforgivable things
and you perfected a certain crueltyand when the end came screaming at us
we fed it fresh, new years
our best years,
our prime of life years
they call themso we sit here tonight
locked in the silence
our long crafted and patient
hatred built
with its own hands
with nothing to show
for all our duesbut this resentment we
killed ourselves
it sits herebetween us
like a dying child
without cure
from #25 - Summer 2006