Why am I not allowed delight?
—Ada Limón, “Give Me This”
—from Poets Respond
July 17, 2022
Mara Eve Robbins: “When I first wrote this poem it was called ‘Request to Hang Out with Ada Limón after She’s Interviewed for RVAmag by S. Preston Duncan While Doing Chair Yoga with Hannah Levin.’ I coveted Preston’s audacity in requesting an interview via poem, so I promptly wrote a poem back. Audaciously, I hope. And in a fit of bolstered confidence I sent them to both Ada via messenger. She responded, ‘Wow!’ What a wonderful thing to wonder about, that wow. In the midst of crumbling systems everywhere, humanity grasping for itself amidst such violence and catastrophe. When I wrote this poem for the second time I called it ‘Telling Preston.’ But tonight? Third time’s the charm. Because the poem is to Ada. Because I had not gotten such good news in such a long time. Because suddenly I was looking at pictures of deep space, and it’s Pema Chodron’s birthday, and Ada is Poet Laureate! Because it makes me inordinately happy to connect with her by googling her name and hitting the ‘news’ button and having so many pages pop up! Because I want to use exclamation points three times in a row! Writing this poem felt like being allowed delight. Thank you, Ada.” (web)