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      November 12, 2019Ancient Rhinos Roamed the YukonF.J. Bergmann

      Ancient rhinos roamed the Yukon,
      Narrow-eyed and heavy-footed,
      Looking for a rock to puke on,
      After eating leaves gone putrid.
      They grazed near pike fish and turtle,
      And some kind of ancient deer.
      Long ago the herds did hurtle
      O’er a land bridge: there to here.
      Rhinos throve in stormy weather
      Warmer, wetter than today.
      Rhinos would need hairy sweaters
      Once the Ice Age came to stay.
      Rhinos then were small and hornless:
      Fossil records thus bequeath.
      Turned to stone, extinct and gormless,
      They have left to us their teeth.

      from Poets Respond

      F.J. Bergmann

      “I found the meter of the article’s title irresistible. The next step, of course, was having a rhyme for ‘Yukon’ serendipitously manifest … and it was all downhill from there.”