Philip Levine: “I’d like to be remembered as a good teacher and a good father and a good poet and a good husband and a good brother. There are a lot of things I’d like to be remembered for, come to think of it. But I suppose chief among them would be as a good poet, or somebody who advanced American poetry or somebody who took it into areas where it hadn’t been.”
“A Letter to My Friend After Swimming” by Stephanie GlassPosted by Rattle
Stephanie Glass
hey girl/ so I keep taking Milo to the pool/ he’s on the swim team now/ level one/ he’s still learning to blow bubbles and float and breathe/ while he swims I swim/ freestyle and breaststroke and butterfly/ and/ I’m learning to breathe too/ learning to breathe/ seems like it should be easy/ but it’s like/ like learning to walk/ like learning to blink/ learning to look at someone and know that you love them/ like learning to pick up the pieces/ after that person disappears/ I always pick up the pieces/ get my son to the pool on time/ the dentist on time/ the doctor on time/ school on time/ I am on time/ I’m learning how to breathe/ and every breath is ten thoughts right now/ isn’t that just how it works sometimes?/ sometimes a breath is just a breath and/ sometimes it’s everything/ you can do to inhale without drowning/ but at the end of my swim/ he comes through the double doors toward me/ running the way you run when you can’t run by the pool/ to stand over me/ where I’m waiting after finishing my lap/ and my watch is counting down to the next repetition/ the next series of strokes through the sterile blue/ the next exhalation of everything I’ve got into bubbles and motion/ and I’m inhaling the scent of chlorine like it’s peace/ and there he is/ smiling like he’s won the lottery because it’s the end of the lesson and he/ gets to swim/ with his mom/ and girl, I gotta tell you/ in that moment/ I don’t have to think/ about breathing.
Stephanie Glass: “I am an 8th-grade English teacher in Chadron, Nebraska. The majority of my time is spent with my child and with my students. In my moments of free time, I dedicate myself to nature, to music, to literature, and to the exploration of self. My son and I spend quite a bit of time at the pool or fishing local creeks, rivers, and lakes. We live with four cats (Fred, Jelly Bean, Pants, and Mr. Darcy) and two guinea pigs (Sun Cake and Moon Nibbles). I am quite grateful for my peaceful life, and I write to capture and acknowledge the simplicity I find so beautiful.” (web)
Denise Duhamel: “I started writing the poems from In Which after reading Emily Carr’s brilliant essay ‘Another World Is Not Only Possible, She Is on Her Way on a Quiet Day I Can Hear Her Breathing.’ (American Poetry Review, Volume 51, No. 3, May/June 2022) Carr borrows her title from Arundhati Roy, political activist and novelist. In her delightfully unconventional essay, Carr talks about rekindling intuition in poems, offering ‘a welcome antidote to whatever personal hell you, too, are in.’ Carr’s invitation to be unapologetic, even impolite, gave me new ways of entering my narratives. Soon I was imagining I was someone else completely. Or sometimes I looked back at my earlier self, at someone I no longer recognized.”
Terri Kirby Erickson: “I cannot count the number of times that writing poetry has saved my life, which is not surprising since I have the mathematical ability of a howler monkey. It has helped (and continues to help) me deal with the loss of my entire nuclear family, my husband’s cancer diagnosis, our daughter’s MS, and a movement disorder (among other health challenges) that seriously impeded my ability to do anything before being prescribed the right medication. I’m not complaining, however, because life is tough for most people—and lucky me, I have a million stories to tell, a sense of humor, and gallons of love going out and coming in.” (web)
Rose Lennard: “Sometimes I marvel at the luxury that is a shower, a glory that is often taken for granted. I’m not religious, but nevertheless steeped in the language of Christianity when it comes to gratitude and wonder. But if we believe that god made the good things, what can we say about the bad? Robin Wall Kimmerer (in Braiding Sweetgrass) tells of the Thanksgiving Address of the Haudenosaunee people, which says ‘We are grateful that the waters are still here and doing their duty of sustaining life on Mother Earth’. Water has been given such heavy duties, and modern life means we cannot help but abuse water every day with our wastage and pollution.”
Ken Letko: “I was walking on some bluffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean when I noticed a large black dog on the horizon. The off-leash animal was coming toward me on the same trail. When we met, I realized the friendly, smiling creature was nearly pure white because he was no longer walking in his own shadow! I had witnessed ‘the power of light.’ I just had to write about that.”
Lenny DellaRocca: “This poem is an Epoem, a form I’ve invented. If you’re interested to know what an Epoem is go to and click the Witchery link. Witchery is a poetry journal embedded there. ‘Hallelujah’ came about after talking with a coworker who told me Jesus healed someone at her church. The poem is also informed by when I was an usher at a theater that brought in an evangelist a few times a year. The pastor ‘healed’ many folks there, but none of those in wheelchairs sitting right in front of the stage. He was a fraud.”