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      October 24, 2021Between StationSylvi Warshaver-Stein

      “As a woman was being raped
      while on a train near Philadelphia
      on Wednesday night, riders watched,
      failed to intervene and did not call
      911, the authorities said.”
      —New York Times

      I moved to the city
      to find the noise of bodies
      that would drown out my own.
      The train takes so long to come.
      The train takes so long to come.
      The train takes so long and then it
      the roar in my ears
      only an echo of my own breath and the slap
      of sewer water lapping in the dark
      like blood fills a clean toilet bowl.
      My first boyfriend worked
      his day job pumping gas and night
      after night he pumped
      in his sleep, arms working
      like he was milking the earth.
      Two men hold up phones
      like blank dry eyes
      staring me into the plastic fluorescent
      seat squeaking as it pinches my skin
      and drags the empty flesh
      of my raw body into the rattle
      between tunnels. A woman smiles
      at me from the ad plastered
      over the window. Her skin
      has never been clearer! The car
      slides into the mouth of the enormous snake
      swallowing its own tale. No sound
      escapes a vacuum. I hear my mother
      at the other end of the telephone:
      I’m fine, Ma, I tell her in the voice
      of a little girl,
      there are so many people here.

      from Poets Respond

      Sylvi Warshaver-Stein

      “I read about the woman who was assaulted on the train while her fellow passengers watched. No one tried to help, although some people were recording it on their phones. I ride the train every day. Every day, there’s a new Kitty Genovese.”