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      December 15, 2024Big HeadStuart Watson

      They carried the big head
      through the streets, detached
      from its neck and its body
      but spilling all its evil
      everywhere they carried it,
      puddles for the people
      to splash their happy feet, its jaw
      flopping open as they adjusted
      the angle of the big head
      and its weight, the tongue
      lolling out (what tongues do)
      and then retracting between
      teeth stained brown by too much
      smoking or lack of scrubbing
      with Ajax like the bottom
      of the toilet bowl, people
      growing tired of putting up
      with the big head one more
      second, and falling away
      and new people joining
      the people working so hard
      to keep the big head up above
      their own heads, to keep it
      where other people could see
      what a truly big head it was
      and how it was no longer
      attached to heart and lungs
      and any of the many cruelties
      that lived inside what it was.

      from Poets Respond

      Stuart Watson

      “This poem was inspired by the image of joyous citizens of Damascus carrying the severed sculptural head of what I assume was once part of a statue of Bashar al-Assad. Nothing in all the coverage captured for me the essence of the story.”