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      June 13, 2014Blowing a Kiss to My SisterCourtlyn Helder

      My hand went up to my eyes
      getting wide as I laid a soft kiss
      on the palm of my hand.
      I lowered my hand, forming a 90 degree angle,
      and then supporting it on my bony chin
      I watched my sister do the same,
      revealing her beaming face.
      As we blew our flower petal
      kisses off our hands,
      prepared to catch each other’s,
      and gobble up the comfort wrapped within them,
      the sting of wetness welled up in my eyes.
      A dark storm cloud hovered over me,
      giving me the unwanted worry of her safety
      overseas in Uganda.
      The loneliness of the cloud
      gave me the thought
      that this would be my last way to connect with her
      for what would feel like the time it takes
      to travel the whole world.

      from 2014 RYPA

      Courtlyn Helder (age 12)

      Why do you like to write poetry?

      “Writing has always been one of my strengths, so when I discovered poetry, I was opened up to a whole new world. I like this world because you write in a unique way. You get to use words to describe things in different and unusual ways.”