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      October 21, 2018Brett Kavanaugh Does the DishesKatharine Harer

      Brett’s hands are elbow deep in soapy water
      washing the plates, one by one, attacking
      the slime of egg yolk, coagulated bacon grease.
      Brett rinses each plate but he can’t get them clean
      he rubs his fingers back and forth
      across their china faces but the filth
      holds on. This isn’t Brett’s job, the dishes,
      but he volunteered this Sunday morning
      while his wife and daughters
      sit at the breakfast table newspapers
      spread open under their eyes.
      They look at each other questioning.
      This isn’t Brett’s job doing the dishes
      but he made his tight-mouth face
      and walked purposefully to the bright white
      sink in the bright white kitchen. Brett runs the
      hot water and squeezes bubbling soap on the sponge
      and scrubs. His family watches from the other side
      of the breakfast nook with its potted
      plants and bright sunlight, its Sunday stillness.
      Brett stacks each gleaming white china plate
      in the dish drainer in a shining line.
      He grunts and tackles the heavy skillet
      a pool of white grease stuck to its dark bottom.
      He scrubs and scrubs and scrubs and scrubs and scrubs.

      from Poets Respond

      Katharine Harer

      “This poem is in response to the ongoing news stories about the recent Senate hearings and the selection of Brett Kavanaugh as Supreme Court Justice.”