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      September 19, 2024BrushscapeSamuel Ertelt

      Forage by Tammy Nara, mixed media watercolor of a thistle on an expressive blue and brownish pink background

      Image: “Forage” by Tammy Nara. “Brushscape” was written by Samuel Ertelt for Rattle’s Ekphrastic Challenge, August 2024, and selected as the Artist’s Choice.


      A man is stuck between
              two dreams in a patch
      of thistle. Reaching
      down, he picks a spiny brush
      and dips it in the sky dark as indigo
      before it bleeds. In front of himself,
      he paints a lake         a memory
      a kind of dusk lingering
             around the edges of
      how reflections appear lavender
      when still. The evening blots and runs.
      He wipes the brush clean
             and turns, turns to steal
      some white from the cloud
      he’s imagined above his head. The man kneels
      and paints         the ghost of a snowbank,
      but the ghost keeps disappearing
             before he can make it solid
      enough to melt, and he can only
      imagine so many clouds.

      from Ekphrastic Challenge

      Comment from the artist, Tammy Nara

      “I’m transported inside the painting as it is created. The artist creates his world. The evening blots and runs. (Yes, it does!) Stealing the white from a cloud. The ghost of a snowbank that disappears before he can make it solid. The other poems connected to the metaphor of the thistle, this poem is connected to the act of painting.”