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      October 14, 2021Camus at OranEd Orr

      He traveled widely to discover what
      had long since troubled and informed his heart.
      The stone lions before the town hall at Oran
      were thought to leave their pedestals at night
      and walk the square—as silent as the flight
      of the soul from the body at death—stopping, on occasion,
      beneath the tall dusty fig trees, to relieve
      themselves, inanimate fountains that believe
      anything is possible, a stone’s throw, volition.
      The radiance of the world does not come easily.
      It piles up like stone and falls just as readily.
      In Oran, the pebble is worshipped without reservation.
      All who have lost know love wears thin as passion.
      Conviction, the soul is ruled by something thin.

      from #18 - Winter 2002

      Ed Orr

      “In my own mind, I would be invisible to myself—to say nothing of others—if I didn’t write. Thoughts come, connect, and I must record, with conscience, or suffer.”