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      July 1, 2021Car TroubleMarilyn McCormick

      He said my differential was gritty and grimy and
      if I didn’t have it checked the whole thing could
      fall apart or stop working. I didn’t know I had
      one—a differential. Or where it was, or what it
      looked like. I’m good at cleaning the things I can
      see and the things I know about. It’s rained for two
      days and I’ve waited for the clouds to leave, the
      ones that are sitting on top of the hills, but today,
      I said to hell with it and walked in the rain. The desert
      doesn’t soak up the rain or hang onto it long. It
      rushes over the hard pack, heading downhill to
      set up flash floods on Route 140. I don’t seem to
      care much about things these days. I feel disarmed,
      hands hanging empty at my side, a little, you know,

      from Issue #1 - Spring 1995