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      January 8, 2020Centralia, PAAaron Poochigian

      Up a collapsing asphalt road
      there is a quaint coal-mining town
      that lost its priest and postal code
      because brimstone will not stop burning
      from casket-deep to two miles down.
      When no amount of higher learning
      could suffocate the fires of Hell,
      the Feds bought all the locals out
      but me. Me. Someone needs to tell
      the tale of still evolving wrong.
      Call me Gasp the Landlocked Trout,
      and ragged is my song.
      A coughed updraft
      through crack and shaft,
      exhalations stain
      a vanished Doughnut Shop,
      a lost Laundromat, absent St. Ignatius.
      A purple sign on Main
      says Stop
      to vapor. There are no police
      cruising what had been neighborhoods,
      and there is no disturbance of the peace.
      Sometimes, out for a Sunday drive,
      I’ve seen odd fauna in the sooty woods:
      a stiff
      stag jutting from a sinkhole, smoke
      issuing from his nose and eyes, as if
      he had been burnt alive.
      And once—no joke,
      and I’m no drugged-out tourist—
      what were
      the noxious dead, I guess,
      in indignation swirled
      out of the cracked earth screeching “Leave!”
      (And the indignant forest
      echoed, “Leave!”)
      Come close, now, world,
      and heed a burr
      that is a mess
      of phlegm:
      may no reprieve,
      no trick of time, redeem
      the reckless them
      who zoned a dump
      atop an old coal seam.
      And him, the chump
      who, by igniting trash,
      birthed an inferno, hollowed out the land
      and turned our breath to ash—
      I curse his hand!

      from #65 - Fall 2019

      Aaron Poochigian

      “In the Spring of 1962, someone burned trash in the Centralia, Pennsylvania, landfill. The fire reached a coal seam and spread to the massive coal deposit underneath the town, which has since been evacuated and demolished. Some few remain. The fire is still burning.”