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      October 22, 2009Vince GoteraChewing Gum Upskirt

      On the Avenue of the Americas,
      at noon two weeks ago Tuesday, a nun
      paced the grimy concrete, robed in black,
      a starched, white veil framing her stunning face,
      one-in-a-million supermodel cheekbones.

      Fifth grade, St. Agnes School, we boys bet on
      whether Sister Helen had hair beneath
      her wimple. Blonde? Redhead? A pageboy cut?
      Fishnets under her floor-length skirt? She shone
      in daydreams: rosary beads against nude skin.

      Today, my six-year-old son wriggled under
      the deck, a crawl space half-lit by thin slits
      of sky between planks. The yellow pencil
      he had dropped, a long-lost fork, an ancient
      pack of bubble gum—pushed up through the cracks.

      Near Manila, my father in fifth grade
      would plead some urgency—bathroom break?
      dizziness?—to get himself out of class,
      then shimmy underneath just such a floor,
      gaps between boards to let in cool river air

      for Miss Persephone Burke of Nebraska,
      a Thomasite teacher. Frilly white blouse,
      red belt, navy blue skirt sweeping the floor.
      For a marvelous prank and bragging rights,
      he would hide a slim, yard-long bamboo cane

      with a small pyramid of Wrigley’s gum
      panhandled from American soldiers.
      Giggling to himself, he would chew and chew
      until a hearty glob perched on the end
      of the rod. Crouching directly below

      Miss Burke, he’d reach up gingerly and stick
      the wad into her underclothes. A boy
      straining after what he could not have,
      joy and bliss forever beyond his grasp:
      America, Lady Liberty, the stars.

      from #24 - Winter 2005