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      September 9, 2019David LukasCider

      David Lukas | @dc_lukas

      typewriter text: I want to write a poem / about the old white house
      #sunday #poetry #poem #poems #poetrycommunity #writing
      #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #newpaltz #hudsonvalley

      from #64 - Summer 2019

      David Lukas

      “While I have had a number of poems published in traditional journals and reviews, I began publishing my work on Instagram. I did this originally to gain some feedback on what I was working on and continue to use it as a sort of community workshop, but in the last two years this platform has also allowed me to connect with other writers and publishers, as well as gain some new friends, across the country, along the way. I do believe so much is ‘lost’ compared to traditional publishing. Whoever reads a poem on Instagram is doing so while scrolling through social media, on a phone screen. I think real reading and ‘experiencing’ a poem requires the time and patience and focus to sit and read words on actual paper, without distraction, which is exactly what social media is in the first place. I will always feel pretty guilty for publishing my words on this platform, but I tell myself, as long as I’m still submitting to actual publications, and becoming close with the feeling of rejection, it is at least a little forgivable.”