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      January 14, 2013Cleaning HouseEd Galing

      i finally got up the courage to do
      what i should have done four
      years ago
      when she died after so many
      years of living together;
      there comes a time
      when you find yourself
      living what seems to
      be way too long;
      early years when you both couldn’t
      get enough of each other
      and dated and went to
      the quarter movie house to
      see fred astaire and ginger
      rogers, and held
      hands in the movie house,
      and i always tried to put my hand down
      her ample bosom to
      grab a breast in the
      dark, but
      never quite made it;
      and she always knew
      i was aiming for
      it, but made
      believe it wasn’t
      happening, and gently
      pushed my hand away;
      the times when after
      we married the
      kid woke up in
      the middle of the
      night, and
      i got so damn tired
      and angry at him screaming
      that i smacked his ass;
      and she left me after
      that, but came back
      later, she had only
      gone to her
      parents’ house
      around the corner,
      and i knew it, and the next
      day went over there,
      and brought her home,
      and we both cried, and i
      asked her to forgive
      things like that;
      so when she died
      i was too overcome to
      listen to condolences
      i just wanted to die
      and i moved my
      bedroom down
      to the ground floor
      and didn’t ever want
      to go upstairs again
      where we had made
      love in that bed so
      long ago
      and where all her clothes
      were still hanging in
      the closet as if never
      all this time,
      but now i have done
      the goodwill people
      called me and asked
      if i had any clothes
      to give away
      so many people
      all over the world
      needing things
      a pair of shoes
      a dress
      a blanket
      overseas the tsunamis
      and people homeless
      and tornados and
      towns wiped out
      they all were living
      and needed help
      so i told goodwill
      i would leave a large
      pack of clothes outside
      the front door
      and i went upstairs
      and it was dark there
      and it had an odor
      like in a funeral parlor
      and i felt as if i was
      in some kind of
      supernatural place
      as if clouds were
      as if she was still
      and opened the closet
      and for the first time
      in four years
      saw her red dress
      she had worn on our
      grandson’s wedding
      the white suit
      she wore down at
      atlantic city
      all hanging in neat
      waiting to be worn
      and so many pairs of slacks
      and sweaters
      and handbags
      and i began to cry as i
      stuffed them into
      the plastic bag
      stuffed them in angrily
      because i hated
      giving them away
      our old times
      our happy times
      the clothes like
      a hot fire burning
      into my trembling
      stuffed the damn
      stuff in there
      and took them
      outside on the
      for goodwill
      i kept thinking
      she wouldn’t mind
      me giving away her
      clothes now
      so others could live
      but it didn’t help
      as i sat in my
      recliner downstairs
      all alone
      rocking up
      and back
      trying to forget

      from #37 - Summer 2012

      Ed Galing

      “Almost all of my poetry is based on my own experiences in life. As I get older, it becomes more important to record those episodes that move me so much that I must write them down. If others are also moved by my poems, I am overjoyed.”