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      April 18, 2011DeadlineMarvin Bell

      “Bodies left to rot in the bush char in the sun.”
      I have to pause the taped replay of the news
      to catch my breath. It’s taxing to keep abreast
      of brush fires, abuse, disease and war,
      and the late-night talk show funnymen mocking
      villainy and genius equally to top the ratings.
      How deep can our feelings go when the airwaves
      rain bodies and the camera pans in focus
      the urban homeless in a shower of fast film?
      The newscasts are dust in vapors, and a map
      where stickpins mark the travels of anchormen.
      Art won’t medicate the causes, the witty ennui,
      or the downward spiral of dunces who cover
      the brown air, the bombers aloft, and sometimes
      hit a target before moving on. An army of forklifts
      stands primed to carry out the morning headlines.
      Today’s evening news expires at midnight.

      from #25 - Summer 2006