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      January 31, 2015Gabriella AltmanniDear Grandma

      When my father came home
      I asked him how his day was
      Lines on his forehead emerged
      Like crossroads
      They lined the explanation of his sadness
      My Grandmother always quoted her favorite book,
      Life Is With People
      Yet when her life ended
      She left so many behind
      My Grandmother was a history teacher
      She erased crossroads on the forehead
      Of every person she met
      When she was diagnosed with cancer for the third time
      All the pencils erasers in the world
      Could not save her
      Dear Grandma,
      If you had more time
      I could have asked you to teach me history,
      But even time
      Cannot rewrite yours

      from 2015 RYPA

      Gabriella Altmanni (age 15)