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      October 23, 2019Dear Payaswini,Aarti Rao

      I found your recipe for gulab jamun
      and I have some concerns
      well first of all it’s almost diwali
      and my husband raped me three weeks ago
      your recipe calls for khoa but I don’t have any
      and I have completely stopped crying
      and why did I look for recipes online
      why don’t I remember how to make this
      have you ever had this problem
      have you ever forgotten your own recipes
      and if I use milk powder in place of khoa
      will the jamun be too dry
      will they fall apart in syrup
      my children depend on wholeness
      and what if I make them but don’t taste them
      will they still be sweet
      will I be able to cry if I roll them right
      will they teach me to name my truths
      will they stand my rage without crumbling
      just how much can these jamun take
      and what if I turn them into something else entirely
      how do I change the substance of them
      what if instead of cooking them
      I take them outside and put them on fallen leaves
      for crows to eat
      have you ever had this problem
      have you ever started making gulab jamun
      and been afraid

      from #64 - Summer 2019

      Aarti Rao

      “This poem was a moment of grace snatched out of a hellacious year. It’s an honor to have it selected as my first-ever published piece of poetry.”