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      April 14, 2016DepositionsJeffrey L. Dye

      I frequently pass days on end
      In the company of consummate liars,
      Exchanging smiles and disarming pleasantries
      Across glossy hardwood conference tables
      Twenty climate-controlled floors above street level.
      These are not pedestrian deceivers
      Or compulsive fabulists;
      These are artists, educated and rehearsed,
      Community standard bearers
      And charitable-cause contributors:
      Regents of misdirection and denial.
      Their teeth are straight and white,
      Ties repped and windsored right,
      Buttondowns lightly starched, wingtips polished,
      Pinkies ringed and watches rolexed,
      Hair and nails luster cut—Jesus knows
      Their measured voices resonate
      With the assurance of oracular truth.
      I patiently question,
      Show documents, prompt remembrance.
      They patiently feign ignorance
      And manufacture misunderstanding,
      Dissemble while their counsel offers coffee. Cream?
      A court reporter taps question and answer.
      The sun completes its arc
      Across the table top and we are done.
      Exhibits are collected, more courtesies exchanged;
      Briefcases close in chorus.
      The elevator down descends from hell.

      from #17 - Summer 2002