July 12, 2016Digital Anthropologists Find Our Hashtags
Dear #AltonSterling, Your face reminds me of
my brother. My son. My older cousin, Van. My first boyfriend,
the only one whoever asked me to a dance. No golden grill,
but he was kind. Still. #ThisAgain.
@POTUS facebooked today, “These fatal shootings are not isolated.”
Retweet #BatonRouge Retweet #FalconHeights Dear #PhilandoCastile,
After four gun shots, your girlfriend asked, “Where is my daughter?”
“Where is my daughter?” while recording, “Keep your hands up!”
#ForABustedTailLight like #WalterLScott.

Facebook: I wish Obama was a Magic Negro.
In his last six months he could wave his wand and #MakeItStop.
@BlackTwitterGuru: “Drake is awake. He is ‘concerned’ now
about his own family, even. #WeSeeYouBro” Dear #AltonSterling,
I am sorry that I haven’t done enough, don’t want to hear
more stories, can’t remember all
the names.
Twitter: Advice for allies, if you want to help, do,
and do not ask a black person how to fix
white supremacists or these murders.
Dear #TravonMartin, @BBC is tweeting Beyoncé today,
“WE ARE SICK AND TIRED …” They report that
a black woman protesting at the mic in Baton Rouge asked,
“How many of you really wish you were white?” They said, “Remarkable!”
@RandomlyComfortable: Say NO to trial by media! NO! to black paranoia.
#BeColorBlind Wait for the facts. For. The. Facts.
Dear #JordanDavis, Today is like—Dear #JonathanFerrell, I have a qu—
Dear #MichaelBrown, What happ—Dear #TamirRice, You were so young and …
Dear #SandraBland, If only the cop … Dear #MotherEmmanuelAME, I will rememb—
Dear #NimaliHenry and #FreddieGray, I believe that it …
Dear #ICantBreathe aka #EricGarner, I—We—I am sorry because … more names.
from Poets Respond