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      February 3, 2011Dip My Pacifier in WhiskeyMathias Nelson

      I used to nag my Grandma
      buy me toys, buy me toys.
      And wenevah she bought me one,
      Grandpa would go “Too much omocha.”

      So raddah than get da scoldings
      I used to colleck stuff
      I found around da house, like
      matchbook covers,
      used stamps.
      I even tried collecking rocks
      but wuzn’t really
      interesting to me.
      My Grandpa kept saying I should
      colleck leaves.
      I tink he wuz trowing da hints like
      he wanted me for help him
      rake da yard.

      Den one day
      wen I wuz emptying da rubbish can
      I found one used battery.
      Wuz real diff ’rent
      looking. Wuz deep blue
      and bronze color,
      wit one cat drawing on top.
      Da shiny metallic colors
      wuz pretty trips.

      My Mom toll my Dad
      dangerous if I start
      collecking dat kine,
      bumbye da acid leak
      and might go insai my eye.
      God gave us one perfect son
      and now this is how we take care?

      I wuz perfeck my Mom sed.
      I tot she wuz perfeck too.
      I wuz happy God gave her to me.

      My Dad just rolled his eyes
      cuz my Mom wuz always worrying about me.
      So for make her happy, he toll me
      wen brown stuff starts for come out
      den das wen I had for trow ’em away.

      Da brown stuff is acid, poison he sed.
      But da only time I seen acid come out
      wuz wen I leff
      da flashlight on for like
      couple years
      and so all da electricity wen go leak.

      I figured
      so long as
      da battery
      wuzn’t insai nothing
      den nevah need werry.
      Safe. Can keep ‘em forevah.

      One day my Mom took me Shirokiya.
      She wuz happy I nevah ask for one toy
      in long time
      so she sed I can have one
      brand new battery,
      anyone I wanted.
      And Shirokiya had all da
      colorful-kine kines from Japan.

      Aftah we leff,
      My Mom buckled me in my seat
      and I put my new green battery
      insai my giant nori container.
      Me and my Mom wuz
      jus driving back home
      wen all of a sudden
      we got bang from da side.
      I seen my battery jar
      buss open
      and all my batteries
      wen fly all ova da place.

      My Mom wuzn’t moving.
      She wuzn’t checking on me
      for see if I wuz okay.
      Planny people wuz looking at us
      from on top da sidewalk.
      And I seen
      planny blood leaking
      from my Mom.
      So much blood
      wuz coming out
      I knew God wouldn’t
      let me keep her

      from #33 - Summer 2010

      Mathias Nelson

      “I write because I’m sensitive, but also because I’ve got balls—three anatomy wise, though one is just a collection of spermatic fluid called a Spermatocele, which is another reason I write, because I’m backed up.”