October 14, 2022Divorce 1
He would
in case of divorce
demand half
of everything
he said.
Half a sofa,
half a television
half a summer house
half a pound of butter
half a child.
The apartment was his
he said
because it was in his name.
The trouble was
that he loved her.
She loved another
whose wife would
demand half
of everything,
It was in the marriage law.
It was as clear as
two and two are four.
The lawyer said
that was correct.
She smashed half
of everything
and ripped up the tax bill.
Then she took off
for the women’s shelter on Jagtvej
with half a child.
The child was teased in school
because he only had
one ear.
But life could still be
since it couldn’t be
any other way.
Translated from the Danish by Michael Favala Goldman and Cynthia Graae
from #77 - Fall 2022