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      July 19, 2023Dust to DustGeorge Pestana

      Dust the tracks
      that mouse or men discarded thoughtlessly
      behind them, left that those of one
      who cracks the code may hack some clue. A
      shell’s tortoise shambles; a life’s conclusion
      dithyrambles. “What is false is truth,” say
      disembodied youth, death their honor forever,
      breath their only sometimes companion. Their
      ages many struggle to reconcile; some fear
      the wages war offers come in coffins;
      coffers more like.  Anyone would ask
      kings why it is greed bleeds bones
      leeching for life on hands
      feeding poppies, by sunlit
      fields, killing. The
      dawn crows at
      cowards: lie
      lie cowards.
      At crow’s dawn
      the killing fields,
      sunlit by poppies, feeding,
      hands on life, for leeching
      bones bleeds greed. Is it why kings
      ask, “Would anyone like more coffers?
      Coffins?”  In come offers. War wages the
      fear some reconcile to struggle many ages,
      their companion sometimes only their breath.
      Forever honor their death.  Youth disembodied
      say “Truth is, false is what dithyrambles.”
      Conclusion: life’s a shambles. Tortoise shell’s
      a clue—some hack may code the cracks. Who?
      One of those that left them behind
      (thoughtlessly discarded men), or mouse that
      tracks the dust.
      | image/avif

      “Dust to Dust” is a word-unit palindrome poem which explores the themes of war, fate, death, and multiple forms of cowardice.

      from #80 - NFT Poets

      George Pestana

      “I write NFT poems because their authorship can be easily proven using blockchain explorers and wallets; I write them because the technology behind them can allow their presentation to change according to the viewing device (so for example an app representing a print-only publication can display the NFT as text, while an app representing an audio player can play the same NFT as spoken word, and an app representing a television can play the same NFT as a movie, so long as I create layers in the NFT for all of those possibilities); I write them because the technology behind them can allow their presentation to change according to external factors, such as the current weather of the place where the viewing device exists, or the state of the stock market, or the time of day where the viewing device exists, or any other data derivable from public sources (for more info, look up ‘dynamic NFTs’ in a search engine); and I write them because society has not yet conceived of all possible use cases of NFTs, which means that by incorporating poems into NFTs, now I am one step ahead of the curve so to speak, and prepared for the future.”