August 25, 2016Eco Echo: An Oldster’s Tale

old man remembers
before we were here
what it was like there
he says listen before he forgets
old man says green breathed
bulged into food
took sun and made air
reached unfurled hung down
old man says green lived
that got under nails
in dirt stuff
hid things that crawled
old man says green was noisy
mouth blowing tiny
happy or warning
he shows me
old man jumps off furniture
trying to be light
like green’s singers
but he can’t lift up
old man says green
cold made it brown
changed color
heat yellow
old man says it spoke
he rubs his palms
went hush hush in fast air
and makes them whisper
old man says green held him
hid in its belly
that he climbed on its shoulders
gathered its scraps
old man makes me feel
green was like that he says
knobbed knuckles and toes
but rougher and stranger
from Ekphrastic Challenge