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      November 10, 2016Barbara CrookerElection Ghazal

      I woke in a cold rain to the train wreck that is our country.
      How did it go so wrong: the blame-check that is our country.
      We thought love could trump hate,
      but bigotry won, this flaming deck, our country.
      Red spread all over the map
      eclipsing the blue paint specks: our country,
      too, though it doesn’t feel that way this morning:
      the Right hold a blank check to ruin our country.
      Be the light you want to see in the world, Barbara.
      Don’t let the dark that’s been unleashed overtake our country.

      from Poets Respond

      Barbara Crooker

      “I am heartbroken over the election; we worked in every way we could here in Pennsylvania, housing three volunteers, phone banking, canvassing, doing data entry … I thought our country was better than this.”