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      April 4, 2009Eulogy of Jimi ChristRegie Gibson

      look at the sky

      turn a hell fire red lawd
      somebodies house is burnin down down down

      look at the sky turn a hell fire red lawd
      somebodies house is burin down down down down…
      —Jimi Hendrix

      burn it down
      you burned it all the way down jimi
      made us burn
      in the flame
      that became yo sound jimi
      grabbed ol legba
      by his neck
      made him
      show you yo respect
      coochie man
      stranglin him
      hoochie coochie hoodooman
      wrangled him voodoo chile
      strings sing
      give in
      to the will
      of yo beautifully
      blessed fingers
      south paw
      and strained
      stratacaster tears
      soothin burnin
      twistin turnin
      into steam
      as they fell
      toward all hellbound souls
      only to
      back into yo
      gypsied eyes
      to fornicate
      be sodomized
      by penetration beautiful
      of sweatband born acid rain
      a purple haze runnin through
      yo brain drained into the veins
      of daytrippers turned acid angel
      by yo gift of little wings
      which with the aid
      of yo mary cryin winds soared
      not merely above
      around and through
      crosstown traffic
      but along/well beyond
      watchtowers to realm
      where gods made love
      to little miss strange
      foxy ladies in little red houses
      over yonder
      and on rainy days
      would sit back
      shoot craps
      with laughin sams dice
      while boastin bout who had
      the most experience
      how that musebruise
      of yo sadomasochistic bluesoozed
      through floors and l.s.d. doors
      left psychedelic relics wrecked
      on phosphorescent shores
      talkin bout that night
      you got right
      at yo height
      rocked woodstock
      played yo remade
      american anthem
      had all the flowers
      in the garden chantin
      go head brotha
      piss off the power
      structure brotha
      say fuck ya
      to the structure brotha
      one mo time one last time
      befo its yo last time brotha
      stick/move hit/run
      try to get
      yo ass beyond
      the grip of the grim one
      try to get
      yo ass out of
      the sight line of death
      try to get
      yo ass past
      the reach
      the reaper
      by dodgin
      that sonofabitch
      betwixt the expanse
      of jangled cacophonous chords
      and hidin out in shadows flooded with feedback
      jimi         the anointed
      jimi         the christ
      you manically depressed
      maniacally duressed
      manifested messiah
      impaled upon the neck
      of that thang you loved the best
      yo one hearts true burnin desire
      jimi christ
      forever walkin
      on the waters
      of a bad trip
      turnin all of
      them bad trips
      into wine
      castin yo net
      upon the waters
      of a bad trip
      just to see whats there
      for you to find
      jimi christ
      patron saint
      of divine distortion
      too soon
      did you force
      the hand of demise
      but i aint pissed
      gypsy eyes
      cause right now
      we diggin on the thought
      of you and yo homeboy god
      bein somewhere
      out there in electric lady land
      sippin celestial moonshine
      bout to tune axes
      cut heads
      and go
      toe to toe
      blow for blow
      lick for lick
      stick for stick
      jimi    christ
      too soon did you force
      the hand of demise
      but i aint pissed
      at you gypsy eyes
      cause i dig that any mother lover
      who lived a life like you led
      deserved to die any death desired
      to die youngto die
      highto die stonedto
      die freeto die youngto die high
      to die stonedto die
      all we wanted was one time
      just    one    time
      to    stand    next    to    yo    fire

      from #27 - Summer 2007