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      November 21, 2020Gregory CosbyEverything & Nothing

      The spines, unbroken, on the shelves
      of Borders, of Barnes & Noble.
      Killing an hour this way without you
      feels like betrayal.
      Once we loitered without intent
      the controlled-climate of
      shopping arcades, when the apartment
      walls closed in
      or we giggled, giddy, romancing the
      materialism, marriage,
      a Sunday. Figures in a landscape:
      Couple at Opposite Ends of
      Organized Living™. Man & Woman
      With Their Best Buy™.
      Love declared in lowercase, a bargain,
      haunted for a house
      yet to come, caressed the curve
      of overly-designed
      appliances, sighed after rainbows
      of plastic, the multitude
      made by the multitudes of China.
      Each product, passed
      between us, handled, held up to
      a judgment of light,
      the texture of union split into
      waves by verdicts
      on our blended self. We were
      by things: their pornographic
      gravity, their cataloged
      reality. Centerfolds of middling
      desires, filtered.
      In the lodge of happy tedium, career,
      we sweated out
      a vision quest. Our credit swelled
      like a reddening tick.
      Then liquidation. Then lay away.
      Is that all there is
      to a fire sale? Memories I can’t
      discount: looking for
      you, searching the aisles, something
      held in my hand
      to show, to present, to test against
      Our Brilliant Lives™
      Long Past Us™. In these chains, our
      neighborhood (once)
      groans beneath their weight. Of
      Anything We Wanted™
      Of Everything & Nothing™.

      from #30 - Winter 2008

      Gregory Crosby

      “When I hit 35 I decided that I’d rather be a poet who occasionally writes journalism as opposed to a journalist who occasionally writes poetry. Not the brightest idea I’ve ever had, but what the hell. ‘Everything & Nothing™’ was obviously inspired by the spectacle of a marriage slowly failing amidst the consumptive paradise of a suburban strip mall. There is an idea these days that art has failed and there’s nothing left but shopping and fucking, and I suppose the poem tries to act, in its melancholy way, as a rebuke to that.”