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      February 13, 2024Bruce TaylorFast Facts About Famous People

      Pol Pot liked a good laugh.
      Mussolini got the trains to run on time.
      Hitler wept at the opera.
      Miro hated green beans;
      Picasso beets.
      Chagall both beets and beans.
      Dickens slept facing north.
      Longfellow was the first
      American to have indoor plumbing.
      Abraham Lincoln had no middle name.
      Caesar was a pretty good swimmer.
      Mao was an assistant librarian.
      Churchill washed his own socks.
      Bell never phoned his mother.
      Edison was afraid of the dark.

      from #37 - Summer 2012

      Bruce Taylor

      “Found one of these ‘facts’ just cruising the WWW, spent the morning looking for more and ended up with two pages. Let the whole mess sit for a while, then as Rodin said, I ‘knocked away anything’ that wasn’t poem. They are all ‘true’ except one; I’ve forgotten which.”