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      December 29, 2021Fat Girl TrilonnetStephanie Rogers

                                         All the stars go down and I
      lie on my back in the yard watching
                           the light dimming, hearing the break
                       of branches, of leaves sweeping as eyes
      search the black, insects calling,
                                       listening to the swirling lake
                                       where frogs go operatic-like
      and my body croons along, catching
                                     itself. Tell me what I can take
      away from this forgetting, why
      I overlook my body, latching
                            onto the blues the nighttime makes,
      how I avoid the light, my past,
                                       and disappear into the grass.

      from #73 – Fall 2021

      Stephanie Rogers

      “‘Fat Girl Trilonnet’ appears in my new book Fat Girl Forms, which explores how it feels to move one’s body in a world not built to hold it; the way society humiliates fat people who don’t conform to conventional standards of beauty; the constant ‘concern’ for the health of fat people, as well as the personal challenges fat women face in both forging romantic relationships and maintaining familial ties in the face of contempt about our bodies. I chose to write the book in form because writing in form sometimes feels like trying to squeeze a fat body into an airplane seat.”