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      May 26, 2015Deborah P. KolodjiFour Haiku

      the mortgage
      paid off early




      of sleeping towns
      the Milky Way




      winter solitude
      the company
      of unshelved books




      horse calendar
      Grandmother dreams
      she’s bareback




      Oldflute Shakuhachi by Rick Wilson

      from #47 - Spring 2015

      Deborah P. Kolodji

      “Yellow grass waves in the summer sun. Monuments to the fallen dot the battlefield as I walk alone on my first visit to Gettysburg. The words of Bashō pop into my head—translated by Lucien Stryk, ‘summer grasses/ all that remains/ of a warrior’s dreams’—and I start to cry. The sadness of the earth, the memories of the fallen, and the words of a seventeenth century poet in Japan all come together in a moment of connection. Separated by centuries and thousands of miles, Basho and I are in the same place. This is why I love haiku.”