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      August 8, 2022from Nobody CaresCesar Hernandez

      Step 310
      Physically present,
      mentally absent.
      The government’s overriding
      interest is that justice shall
      be done and that the
      prosecutor is the servant of
      the law, the twofold aim
      of which is that guilt shall
      not escape or innocence
      Not true.
      Nobody cares.
      It is subject to the
      kind of
      blunt abrogation
      that would occur
      with the recognition
      of a due process
      to post conviction
      access to evidence.
      Nobody cares.
      Step 23
      Time to fly home.
      Two detectives.
      At McCarren,
      they’re twenty feet
      There’s fourteen
      chances for me
      to escape.
      Nobody cares.

      from #76 - Summer 2022

      Cesar Hernandez

      “I discovered writing in prison. I didn’t think my words mattered to anyone. I was completely taken by surprise when one of my fellow inmates said my words are meaningful to her. Catherine La Fleur inspired me to become a better writer. Now I take writing seriously and constantly revise to make sure each piece is perfect. Over time I am surprised at how much I have opened up about myself.”