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      June 18, 2019Sarah ColonaFrom One Sarah to Another

      for Sarah Huckabee Sanders

      We’re ancient. Can trace the “H” ending our name all the way back
      to antiquity. And as I type this, Princess, I admit we can be vicious
      when questioned. It’s our delivery, that lack of sweetness greeting
      pressure. But that’s your gig, isn’t it? The Press. How their weight dips
      between headlines. An alligator with a knife in its head is swimming
      a lake in Sugar Land, Texas: drawing neighbors, yet untroubling experts.
      That anatomy, its bony plates and antibiotic blood, insures resilience.
      We armor ourselves similarly, collect our epithets like gems. Ending
      any story is a challenge: one sees grit within the grifter. Another purls
      thundercloud to thundercloud just to survive. I’ve known many Sarahs
      who wear their genesis with indifference. On others, it juts out like a stooge,
      an off-tooth begging to be pulled.

      from Poets Respond

      Sarah Colona

      “The Texas alligator unfazed by a knife sticking out of its head seemed to me a perfect metaphor for Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her tenure as White House Press Secretary.”