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      December 4, 2023From the InsidePaulette A. Pashibin

      we have no need to know if we are loved
      or that love exists.
      No worry whether sky is blue or gray
      or even sky.
      We float in a darkened drum
      tethered to echoes
      No need of need
      nor dream of self.

      from #81 - Prompt Poems

      Paulette A. Pashibin

      “I fell in love with poetry sometime between reading Noyes’ ‘The Highwayman’ and watching a televised Air Force recruitment ad that featured Magee’s ‘High Flight.’ I was young, bookish, and quite melancholy. I spent as much time at my grandmother’s as I could get away with and ‘High Flight’ always aired during the Fulton J. Sheen show, so it became the first poem I memorized. The internet makes it easy for me to read poetry every day, but I’m an undisciplined writer. Sometimes I toss words in my head for weeks before putting them to paper; other times they spill over the keyboard in a fever. Writing poems—no matter how they turn out—allows me still to ‘slip the surly bonds of earth and dance the skies.’ Like magic.”