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      September 11, 2019Alan C. FoxFull Disclosure

      I keep many secrets
      I’m going to tell a few
      You will know me better
      Though still I won’t know you
      A process much like praying
      Though we don’t need a pew
      And we’ll really never finish
      We’ll always keep a few
      I’m tired more than yesterday
      Exhaustion simply grew
      Now that you are older
      You may feel it too
      Do dear friends really know me
      Perhaps, just one or two
      Not completely because I hide
      Like others in the zoo
      Most important, I’m an alien
      Here to spy on you
      Report back to my people
      They’re energy, like you
      There, that is the big one
      We were separate as we grew
      Now carrot and potato
      We swim in the same stew
      Now you know me better
      What I say may be true
      But when you tap my shoulder
      We still ask each other who

      from #64 - Summer 2019

      Alan C. Fox

      “I love the big wallop a poem can deliver in just a few words, and for the past ten years I have focused on eight line poems. Some are only nine or ten words. Now I’m back to writing a rhyming poem.”