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      December 29, 2024Functional ConvergenceEliza Gilbert

      If a taxi is untaxied outside
      the Herald Square Macy’s
      on Christmas Eve like a kind of post
      -modern Vitruvian centerpiece,
      a kind of heavy metal suckling
      pig, how much will the damage
      —assuming no insurance coverage
      —how much will the damage damage
      the cabby’s next one hundred afternoons?
      Assuming no insurance coverage,
      assuming 15k as the average cost
      of a medical mystery, assuming MRI
      and BMI and smoking history and a 45%
      chance of rain, is the cabby’s episode
      diagnosable by robot? Pin-downable
      by vector? Bio-statistically sound?
      If the flash-dancing club that owns
      the taxi’s topper is displeased
      with that night’s great yellow flay,
      and if there is positively no returning
      the gut-naked bits steaming beneath
      the hood to canonical form, how much
      income chugs to the scrap yard?
      Is the car crusher’s operator whistling
      Lou Reed? If so, reconfigure
      the golden ratio of screech to symphony.
      Reconsider aftermath as an act
      of orthogonal decomposition.
      If three out of six of the pedestrians
      struck refuse medical attention, what is the exponent
      of ache, and does it carry? How long? How far?
      How many times do the blue-and-reds
      HELLO across their shock-sparkled eyes
      before they return to their bodies and calculate
      the net hemorrhage of twenty minutes
      to Lenox Hill, fifteen in X-ray, ninety-two
      thumbing holes in the exam table’s fleshy crepe?
      Determine the half-life of the half-life
      of a pill called UNLUCK. Wrap it
      in cheese like you would for a Labrador
      and feed the world—it’s Christmas time!
      All regression is linear if you have eyes
      in the back of your head. My hair
      is falling out so soon I will see everything.

      from Poets Respond

      Eliza Gilbert

      “A taxi crashed outside the Herald Square Macy’s on Christmas day. Six pedestrians were struck, but three refused medical attention. I imagine they must have partaken in a kind of life mathematics we all know.”