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      November 11, 2017Valerie M. SmithGray

      I remember how her small ankles
      would guide her feet
      to sun-bathing rocks
      nestled in sea water
      and pelican coffee breaks.
      Her arms would bleed
      from their gagged mercy
      protruding from the sea,
      gray hearts longing
      for her precious liquid life.
      We’d spread out our ribs
      on these rocks,
      feeling them push into our skin.
      Too shy for bathing suits
      and the sun’s soothing rays,
      we’d sleep
      wrapped in California dreams
      and familiar arms and legs
      that counted a mystical four
      instead of a lonely two.
      No better human pillows ever existed.
      This was the sin
      that parents should scorn
      because she possessed me
      like she possessed beauty.
      It was all the life
      I felt to be lived
      in mysterious oceans of eyeliner.

      from Issue #9 - Summer 1998

      Valerie M. Smith (grade 12)