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      October 17, 2020Harkiran (Kiran) NarulaHardeep

      papa has told me this story so many times.
      he was young and in the bath, heard his mother
      calling his name. there was a bird in the house, it flew
      in through the window. he got out of the bath to catch it
      with her. he told me how they caught it and let it go.
      i like to imagine the room covered in feathers like pillow fights
      in the movies. he tells me she was beautiful, and i believe it.
      i believe it looking at her wedding picture on my nightstand
      that i stole from papa’s room so long ago. i’ve always wondered
      about the color of her skin and if her hair had hues of red
      by her neck like mine does in the summer, but i’ve only seen
      her in black and white. her name was hardeep, and i wonder
      how she liked it. if she noticed how it rolls off the tongue
      or if she knew it meant light. my parents stole the first three
      letters for me, and it’s heavy on my shoulders
      to carry her name. heavy like the water in the bathtub.
      heavy like cars on the road, like the one that crashed into hers.
      papa tells me how they were going to rockefeller
      center to see the christmas lights. i picture a boy of five
      who looks like my brother in the backseat. he says he saw
      her head, dented. i don’t know where you go when you die,
      but papa hopes she’s watching us. he’s felt her next to him,
      he says he wishes she knew me. i tell him maybe she does.
      years after she was gone, papa learned in english class
      that when a bird flies into your house, it means something bad
      will happen, it means someone will die. sometimes i wonder
      if somehow and somewhere that long dead bird has feathers
      that are still on the ground. still tainted by her fingertips.
      not white like the feathers from pillow fights in the movies
      but coated in dirt and mud and rainwater and maybe even
      the scent of the lotion she used. when she caught that bird
      and let it go, i wonder if following it ever entered her mind.
      or if she thought about how you’re never supposed
      to touch a bird. or maybe she didn’t think much about
      it as much as we do. she’s never seen that memory broken
      and dissected. for her, it was just a bird and her little boy.
      running and laughter and floors wet from bathtub water.
      opening up the window and letting him go.

      from 2020 RYPA

      Harkiran (Kiran) Narula (age 15)

      Why do you like to write poetry?

      “I like writing poetry because I learn more about myself in doing so; I uncover feelings and thoughts that only writing can bring me to realize. Writing is the only way to sort out everything in my mind. To me, poetry is honest, raw and very vulnerable. Writing poetry is one of the only times I can be completely myself.”